'4 Vegan Hacks To Make Your Life Easier!

'4 Vegan Hacks To Make Your Life Easier!
10:15 Apr 4, 2021
'Coming back with more awesome vegan hacks! Cooking tips, health tips, travel hacks and social situation advice! Everything that makes my life easier as a vegan in one video!  other places you can find me: ☞ SHOP MY CLOSET - https://www.depop.com/kristenleo ☞ VLOG CHANNEL - https://www.youtube.com/KristenEtc ☞ BLOG - http://kristenleotsakou.blogspot.com/ ☞ INSTAGRAM - http://instagram.com/KristenLeo/   HACKS FEATURED: Zena Swiss peeler I use https://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?icep_id=114&ipn=icep&toolid=20004&campid=5338227093&mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.com%2Fsch%2Fi.html%3F_odkw%3Dswiss%2Bpeeler%26_osacat%3D0%26_from%3DR40%26_trksid%3Dp2045573.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xswiss%2Bpeeler%2Bzena.TRS0%26_nkw%3Dswiss%2Bpeeler%2Bzena%26_sacat%3D0 Vegan Outreach Nutrition Tips https://veganoutreach.org/plant-based-nutrition/ Vegan Sidekick https://www.instagram.com/vegansidekick/ Vegan Nicekick https://www.instagram.com/vegannicekick/  CHANNEL OF THE WEEK: https://www.youtube.com/user/Shelbizleee  __  faq\'s:  Are you Greek?  ☞ I\'m half Greek half Portuguese.  Where do you live?  ☞ In Greece  Why do you have an American accent?  ☞ I was raised bilingual speaking Greek and English  What camera do you use?  ☞ For my main videos I use the canon 70d with a 50mm f/1.8 sigma lens or the 24mm pancake lens.  Where can I find a list of ethical brands? ☞ Right here! http://kristenleotsakou.blogspot.gr/p/ethical-brands.html  __  *This is not a sponsored video' 

Tags: tips and tricks , vegan vlogger , veganism , ethical fashion , vegan fashion , fair fashion , vegan hacks , how to go vegan , KRISTEN LEO , vegan nutrition , how to stay vegan , vegan advice , conscious living , vegan youtuber , kristen etc , tips for vegans , vegan travel advice , ethical lifestyle

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