'How to Cook Fish Cake Soup/Odeng Guk using 7 Ingredients! EASY RECIPE! | Mikee Argones'

'How to Cook Fish Cake Soup/Odeng Guk using 7 Ingredients! EASY RECIPE! | Mikee Argones'
03:46 May 2, 2021
'This is one of my fave Korean dishes and I\'m happy that I get to share my own simple and easy version. Enjoy!   Fish Cake - Assi Fresh Plaza  https://www.facebook.com/Assifreshplaza/  Let\'s keep in touch: Email - [email protected] FB page - https://www.facebook.com/mikeeargones IG - https://www.instagram.com/mikeeargones' 

Tags: Cooking , How to cook , Kpop , Easy recipe , simple recipe , kdrama , fish cake , korean fish cake , odeng guk

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