'阿贤贪吃路线 @ Axian\'s Food Adventures Promo 3'

00:31 May 28, 2022
'全新美食慢游节目《阿贤贪吃路线》- 贪吃成性的阿贤用最真诚的味蕾与情感,最悠游自在的步调和心情,品味在地美食的内涵,领略沿途的风土民情,描绘一条条叫味觉和心灵也动情的馋食慢游路线!酷爱寻根问底的阿贤依旧不...改本色,继续在美味旅途中寻幽探秘、在舌尖上开启深度之旅,一路细嚼美食的前世今生,探勘味蕾中的人文风情!  Travel with Axian as he unearths distinctive hidden entrées, while unravelling the secrets of the cultures that moulded these appetite-whetting delights, and at the same time, leaving behind his very own \"food trail\".   Coming Soon - 9pm,7 Nov 2010 (Sunday)' 

Tags: small , promo , generic , AFA

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