'♥ Subscribe! https://goo.gl/rC19LD Q. How is food tourism in Korea? Korea is actually a destination which has a unique and attractive food. A lot of visitors are enjoying Korean food such as Bibimbap, Korean Barbeque, street food and so on. I think Korean food has a lot of potentials in attracting more visitors. As we have a huge variety of food which not many people are aware of. Although our food is now mostly appealing for Asians, it is our task to find how Korean food can be attractive to other people coming from Europe, the Middle East, and America. Regarding that, it was pointed out that Korean food needs to have some variety in vegetarian and Halal menus for tourists. I think we definitely needs to think about Halal as there are more Muslims visiting our country. I think it is also a good way to develop Korean temple cuisine for vegetarians. Seoul is expecting its first Michelin guide at the end of this year. Many professionals are expecting to have more of the tourists and business travelers interested in gastronomy will visit Korea. ▶BLOG/WEBSITE : http://jieminyoon.com ▶FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/jiemin.yoon ▶INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/jieminism/ ▶EMAIL: jieminyoon@gmail.com [윤지민은 누구?] 관광커뮤니케이터 윤지민은 여행이 좋아 관광을 하고, 관광이 좋아 여행을 합니다! 신나게 여행하면서 더욱 \'리얼\'한 관광의 이야기를 전하도록 하겠습니다! [Who is Jiemin Yoon?] I am a Professional Tourist who loves to travel and know more about the \"REAL\" tourism. I speak, write, and make videos on travel and tourism. You can watch videos on travel tips, reviews, stories here on my channel.'
Tags: Food , Travel , Eat , food tourism , tourism , seoul , korean food , Gastronomy , tbs efm , talking tourism , jiemin yoon , professional tourist , Michelin guide Seoul
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