'In this episode of In the Kitchen with Matt I have another Talking Food vlog episode for you. In it I am going to discuss ways in which you should store Brown Sugar properly so it doesn\'t get hard on you in the pantry. Also I will give you some tips that you can try, to soften the brown sugar up, in case it does get hard. Let\'s get started! Don\'t forget to subscribe to my channel and check out my other videos. Find me on other social media platforms here: Other Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/climberdude111 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/inthekitchenwithmatt/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/KitchenWithMatt Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/inthekitchenwithmatt/ Instructables: https://www.instructables.com/member/In%20The%20Kitchen%20With%20Matt/ Check out my new dating book here (Food and dating go hand in hand): http://amzn.to/2DwfseZ Some of the above links are affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Transcript: Hello and welcome back to In the Kitchen with Matt, I am your host Matt Taylor. In this episode of Talking food, this vlog episode, I am going to talk to you about storing brown sugar properly, and also what to do if it hardens up on you. Let’s get started. All right so have you ever bought brown sugar and then you used it for like cookies for something? And then you wanted to a couple weeks later and then it was like this, absolutely hard as a rock. Well this was hard as a rock because I didn’t store it properly. Um I was kind of in a hurry and wasn’t paying attention to it, normally to store brown sugar what you want to do is to store it in a nice air tight container, like Tupperware, or like I am using this silicone bag for mine, and this works great. So the bag that it came in, this original bag, see it is still nice and soft, nice. The original bag I just have this over, and then for another layer of air tight ness, I have it inside here, so it this gives it lots of protection. Now what happens is with the brown sugar, this is so tight it is hard to even get out of this bag, is it loses its moisture content and that is why it gets all hard on you. So what do we do, is all lost? Is this thing ruined now? No, not necessarily. So what can we do to get the moisture back into this, and so we can use it, because it is still good. Well there are a couple of different options, that sound kind of weird but they work. One is taking a piece of bread like this, and you just put it in there with the container, close it up, and then what is going to happen is the brown sugar is going to absorb the moisture out of that bread, and help out the moisture back into the brown sugar, now you kind of have to get the ratio right, this is going to take 24 hours, 2 days for it to suck all the air out. Another thing that you can do, instead of the a slice of bread, is you put apple slices in there, and that is going to work the same, it is going to suck out the moisture from the apple slices and re-introduce the moisture into the sugar. You can also use marshmallows, another idea that is kind of crazy but works. Now if you absolutely need this right away to use, what you can do is put it in the microwave with a damp paper towel, and put it on for 10 fifteen seconds, and then check it and it is going to absorb some of that water or moisture from the damp paper towel into the sugar as well. Kinda cool these are all methods that you can try. But it is better just to store it properly first place, in the first place. You don’t have to worry about the sugar getting all hard on you. I looked at the expiration date and this still has several months left before this sugar is supposed to be bad. All right there we go, so to sum up, it is better to use an airtight container to store you brown sugar in the first place, that like a ziplock silicone bag or some kind of Tupperware, something like that but if the brown sugar happens to harden up on you, don’t throw it away, it is still good, what you will need to do is try to introduce some moisture back into using one of those methods that I mentioned, or there could be some others. If any of you have any hints or tricks put them down below and let us know, help everybody out. I am Matt Taylor this has been another episode of In The Kitchen with Matt, thank you for joining me, as always if you have any questions or comments put them down below and I will get back to you as soon as I can, thumbs up, down in the corner push it, don’t forget to subscribe to my channel and check out my other videos, also down below in the description you will find links to my other social media accounts and my other Youtube account, in case you want to check those out, take care!'
Tags: Food , How to cook , To , how , vlog , store , episode , Brown , sugar , taylor , How to Bake , talking , hard , sugar storage , Matt , eight , in the kitchen with matt , Brown Sugar , properly , how to store , how to soften hard brown sugar , how to store brown sugar properly talking food vlog episode 8 , how to store brown sugar , brown sugar storage , how to store brown sugar long term , matt taylor , hard brown sugar
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