'DIY Tie Dye Sneakers With Food Coloring'

02:47 Nov 11, 2021
'4 Ingredient Tie Dye Sneakers  ------------------------------------------------ what you\'ll need  1. A medium sized brush  2. Your selected food coloring  3. A bowl  4. Rubbing Alcohol ------------------------------------------------ First get your white sneakers and remove the laces.  Next you\'re gonna want to cover your surface, so it doesn\'t get stained from the food coloring.  Now get your bowl keeping in mind that the food coloring may stain Tupperware.  Than fill the bowl with about a cup of rubbing alcohol. Dip the top of the shoe into the bowl and try to cover the rest in the alcohol, now repeat with the other.  Once both shoes are completely covered, pour more rubbing alcohol into the bowl. Or if you have some leftover from covering your shoe use that.  Take the rubbing alcohol and pour about 10 drops of your first chosen color of food coloring. You\'re Gonna want it to be pretty dark because its likely to fade otherwise.   Depending on what colors you chose and the style you want. You can use any colors in any order these are just the colors I liked together.  Next your gonna make sure you dye is mixed in thoroughly. Then take your paint brush and apply the dye to the back part of the shoe to where ever you want it to stop.  Repeat these steps with your other colors while making sure you  blend them in, so its not just a wall of colors.  After you\'re done painting wipe the excess away with either a Clorox wipe or more rubbing alcohol.  Store them overnight in a plastic bag and in the morning set them out to dry. It will take quite a few hours.  You now have your finished product.  ------------------------------------------------------------- Thank you so much for watching I hope you enjoy your shoes!!  :)' 

Tags: beauty , diy , fun , converse , Sneakers , projects , tiedye , foodcoloring , Sweetlilslimes

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