'3 GARBAGE SARABEAUTYCORNER DIY Edible School Supplies & School Pranks SaltEcrafter Reacts #2'

'3 GARBAGE SARABEAUTYCORNER DIY Edible School Supplies & School Pranks SaltEcrafter Reacts #2'
22:43 Sep 21, 2024
'Let\'s Try some Sarabeautycorner DIY Edible School Supplies & School Pranks. SaltEcrafter is not pleased at the way these prank crafts are done...what will she say?  this video is used as commentary and constitutes as fair use. https://youtu.be/LV6CWkppDpA   

Tags: how to , diy , troom troom , commentary , edible pranks , how to sneak candy in class , edible school supplies , school pranks , school supplies diy , awful diys , how to sneak food in class , Sarabeautycorner , sneak candy in class , sara beauty corner , salty crafter , saltecrafter reacts , back to school sara beauty corner , saltecrafter sarabeautycorner , sarabeautycorner pranks , trying sarabeautcorner diys , trying troom troom pranks , terrible diys

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