'Friends welcome to my channel Excel Easy. In this video I have shown how to Calculate ideal food cost percentage, how to Decide selling price,how to calculate GST,how to calculate PROFIT. Download the file... https://docs.google.com/uc?id=1q_vl5VF_7hX8ogvu0JveCMmtCvDnhAJw& export=download Watch part 1... https://youtu.be/UaaSKW57wOY Watch part 2.... https://youtu.be/G8S0ItmyvHI'
Tags: food cost , food cost control , how to make food costing formula , how to calculate food cost , how to make food costing format , how to calculate food cost in restaurant , how to make food cost formula , food costing in restaurant , food costing in restaurant in Hindi , how to calculate food cost for a recipe , how to calculate food cost in hotel , how to make food cost format
See also: