'Download David\'s latest ebook with all the best restaurant techniques here: http://bit.ly/2cOe5yF About David Scott Peters: a restaurant management expert and founder of TheRestaurantExpert.com. He offers independent restaurant owners restaurant management tips, coaching and a software that will revolutionize their business operations and their profits. TheRestaurantExpert.com is membership-based. Members use the complete online restaurant management software SMART Systems Pro along with coaching and training to operate profitable and fun restaurants. TheRestaurantExpert.com helps restaurant owners: - Lower Food Costs - Lower Labor Costs - Hold Management Accountable - Get Their Lives Back David is available for Consultation, Classes and More. To work with David or learn more click here: http://therestaurantexpert.com REQUEST A FREE CONSULTATION: http://bit.ly/1Kxt3kF These videos cover ways to take action in the restaurant today to be more efficient and profitable. Whether you’re looking for ways to cut and control food costs, trying to stabilize your labor costs, or you’re interested in building a management team that actually manages, these tips will help you. David teaches real solutions to the biggest – and smallest – challenges in independent restaurants. Watch this video and then take action! ************************* ************************* For more on this topic, visit our blog at http://bit.ly/2cbuMjp STAY IN TOUCH http://therestaurantexpert.com/free-e-newsletter/ FACEBOOK FOLLOW! http://facebook.com/therestaurantexpert SUSBCRIBE http://bit.ly/2cYOIfr'
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