'HOT HULA Divas Wish for Africa Waka Waka'

03:46 May 17, 2023
'HOT HULA Divas Wish for Africa Waka Waka  United Aid for Africa Global Giving Challenge  http://www.globalgiving.org/projects/school-supplies-for-the-children-of-cote-divoire/  The UAA School Supplies Program is a campaign designed to eradicate child labor by increasing the amount of children enrolled and retained in schools. Our program provides school supplies and uniforms to their children so that the obstacles associated with their attendance at school are eliminated. Since our launch in 2011, we have seen dramatic improvements, with school enrollment among first to sixth graders increasing significantly. In 2014, UAA will be able to service two additional schools.  HOT HULA class filmed at Cadet Martial Arts Fitness (www.mycmaf.com) in Baltimore, MD led by Kirsten Ledford (www.hothulafitness.com/praisedancer)' 

Tags: Africa , Baltimore (City/Town/Village) , Hot hula , Non-profit Organization (Website Category) , Child labor , Shakira (Celebrity) , Waka Waka (This Time For Africa) (Composition) , chocolate slavery , GlobalGiving (Nonprofit Organization) , Côte D’Ivoire (Country) , wishforafrica , cadet martial arts

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