'How To...Make McDonald\'s secret sandwich life hack'

01:27 Mar 9, 2021
'TODAY on Jymmy\'s Corner, We learned how to make a McDonalds secret sandwich, Thanks to my best friend Joey for this one. Welcome everyone!! This channel is all about how to videos on things that should be easy but are sometimes hard. Any of you have suggestions on a video that you\'d like to see make sure you leave a comment down below. Make sure to hit that like button if these videos interest you and subscribe thanks everyone!!       Follow me on other Social Media   Instagram• https://www.instagram.com/jymmysCorner Twitter•  https://twitter.com/JymmysCorner Email• JymmysCorner@gmail.com' 

Tags: how to , diy , howto , life , life hack , fries , sandwich , Secret , corner , mcdonalds , hack , jimmy , mc , Lyfe , mcdouble , mcchicken , Jymmy , Jymmyscorner , jymmys corner , jymmys lyfe , jymmyslyfe , jimmys , how to make mcdonalds secret sandwich , howtomakemcdonaldssecretsandwich

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