'Some of these photos are very embarrassing, but it is worth it to me to show the powers of raw foods and detoxing for the skin! My skin is still not perfect, but I will never give up! My website got a makeover- check it out: www.victoriarawvegan.com Want an iridology analysis from me? Click here: https://gumroad.com/l/TPplt# My Raw Vegan Recipe E-Book: http://www.victoriarawvegan.com/down-to-earth-raw-vegan-recipe-e-book.html Request A Private Skype Session With Victoria Here:https://gumroad.com/l/WflJH# Vegan Shirts: http://www.victoriarawvegan.com/t-shirts.html Like my FaceBook page: https://www.facebook.com/victoriarawvegan Questions? Email me: victoriarawvegan@gmail.com My Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/victoriarawvegan My Etsy: http://www.victoriasrawdesigns.etsy.com *I am not a medical doctor and am not giving medical advice.'
Tags: Health , nutrition , skincare , vegan , skin , before and after , HEALTHY SKIN , healthy diet , Veganism (Diet) , Detox , healing foods , Raw Food (Diet) , natural skin , how i got rid of my acne , raw veganism , detox skin , acne raw food , acne raw vegan , vegan skin , before and after skin , dr robert morse , detox acne , raw vegan detox , healing skin , raw vegan healing , vegan healing
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