'Dry Dog Food VS. Meat For Dogs'

02:05 Jul 2, 2022
'http://www.KnowBetterPetFood.com/Better_in_the_Raw_with_Liver  Dry Dog Food VS. Meat For Dogs - The major difference between the two has an enormous effect on the health of dogs.    The dry dog food usually contains carbohydrates, such as wheat, corn, potato or rice.  Dogs do not metabolize carbohydrates.  When a dog is fed this way the PH balance in the dogs\' body becomes alkaline.  If the PH remains alkaline for a long period of time, chronic health problems can be the result.    If you were to eliminate these carbohydrates and replace them with high quality protein, the chances of the dog having health problems decreases substantially.  When a raw meat based diet is fed, the PH in the body becomes more acidic.  And when the dog\'s body is acidic optimal health can be maintained.' 

Tags: dog food , educational , dog health , dry dog food , Know Better Pet Food , Meat For Dogs , PH Balance In Dogs

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