'Looking for cheap backgrounds for your food photography? Find out how vinyl backdrops really look when shot by a pro food photographer. Get the recipe from Khadijah for Creamy Honey Almond Grits with Sauteed Cinnamon Peaches! http://taleofurbankale.com/2018/01/04/creamy-honey-almond-grits-with-sauteed-cinnamon-peaches/ The Ink & Elm Food Photography Backdrops featured in this video: Grey Textured: https://www.inkandelm.com/Photography-Backdrop-Gimme-Texture.htm White Marble: https://www.inkandelm.com/Photography-Backdrop-Smooth-Marble.htm Free e-book - 4 Steps to Landing Your First Photography Gig: https://joaniesimon.lpages.co/4-steps-to-photography-gig/ I Wanna Go Pro e-mail list! https://joaniesimon.lpages.co/go-pro/ The Photography Contract I Use: https://bit.ly/2CACUr1 DIY Backdrops Tutorial: https://youtu.be/Eiipb1EuyVg All of my current gear can be found: http://joaniesimon.com/tools-i-use'
Tags: food photography , joanie simon , photography backdrops , ink and elm
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