'China economic collapse: CCP food crisis serious amid Wuhan virus and flood'

'China economic collapse: CCP food crisis serious amid Wuhan virus and flood'
02:58 Feb 24, 2021
'► China economic collapse: CCP food crisis serious amid Wuhan virus and flood. Xi Jinping spoke about a campaign called \"Operation empty plate\" which was initially launched in 2013 to target big feasts held by Chinese officials. Now, Xi Jinping has expanded it to the public. The CCP president asked his people to stop wasting food and eat frugally. He did not say a word about food shortage, instead Xi Jinping spoke about \"bumper harvest in my country\'s grain production year after year\". Xi lied. China\'s crops have been wiped out by the mass flooding and food prices are on the rise. Xi Jinping also hid another truth - China\'s food security is hanging by the thread. The are several reasons for it. Firstly, China is home to 1.4 billion people but the country is far from self-reliant. It imports 20 per cent to 30 per cent of its food grains. China was the world\'s top agricultural market between 2003 and 2017, its food imports have grown from $14 billion to $105 billion from the top-10 import partners alone, China imports food worth $75.3 billion. The moral of the story is that China relies on the world to feed its people. Now, China is reeling under a crisis of its own making. It is in a trade war with the US which is the same country from which Beijing had imported grains worth $5.5 billion last year.   ► PLEASE SUBSCRIBE and ENJOY MORE: https://bit.ly/2AqjZBm ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ► Follow us on: Twitter: https://twitter.com/REPGlobalNews Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/REPGlobalNews/ Website: https://www.repglobal.net/' 

Tags: Food , flooding , China in Focus , china food , natural disasters , wuhan virus , floods , flood , China economic collapse , China economic , china flood 2020 , flood in china 2020 , 2020 China floods update , china flood , china news today , china in focus news , Three Gorges Dam update , Three Gorges Dam collapse , latest news blog , economic collapse , CCP food crisis , China food crisis

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