'Stunning pictures of the massive Chinese food factories that feed 1.4 billion people'

'Stunning pictures of the massive Chinese food factories that feed 1.4 billion people'
04:31 Feb 22, 2021
'China\'s population has swelled to nearly 1.4 billion people. That\'s a lot of mouths to feed — China\'s food-processing industry had an estimated $2 trillion in revenues for 2014, and more than 35,000 processing and manufacturing plants churned out food products for the country\'s residents.  The food industry has been riddled with scandal, and many factories have been found to be breaking quality standards. More recently, Chinese civilians have become more \"food savvy\" and are looking for healthier options, taking cooking classes, and switching to white meat over red.  However, food-manufacturing plants continue to operate, and with an estimated 13.22 million Chinese people living in urban areas, the demand for packaged food has skyrocketed.  Ahead, 20 images that show just how massive some of these Chinese food plants are.     SUBSCRIBE! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV4T1s7VWtHJ32tqhv4DLAA FACEBOOK https://www.facebook.com/pages/Failorbit/1491722961150206?ref=hl TWITTER https://twitter.com/?lang=en GOOGLE+ https://plus.google.com/b/112346111048671864035/112346111048671864035/posts?hl=en&pageId=112346111048671864035' 

Tags: Food , China , people , of , snack food (food) , FAILORBIT , richest people , the infographics show , gwar the blood of the gods , the blood of gods , a people's history of the united states , the story of walter hunt , the science of water , top of the rock , richest people in the us , the future of the earth , vegan 2017 the film , richest companies in the world , richest woman in the world , second richest person in the world , richest person in the world

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