Feb 12, 2021
'I decided to try and eat Mcdonalds Fast Food (while on a diet) for most of my meals. Mcdonald’s is very well known for having the most calorie-dense food and fatty foods. The challenge was not that hard. I tracked every single item that I ate and surprisingly I hit my protein goal. In this video I show you guys that it is not about organic/fast food items, it is about eating more calories or less depending on your goals. Tracking calories have given me the freedom to eat whatever I want as long as it fits my calorie in take for the day. I work at Mcdonalds and I will say this, it is about making the smart choices according to your goals. Follow me: Instagram: Che.rymark Facebook: Rymark John II Videographer: Instagram: imgenissem Shoutout: Mcdonalds Team for all the love & support for this video ❤️ #Rymark #Vlog'See also: