'Food Stock in COVID lockdown | zia ur rehman | Stop storing extra food Log Khana Jama Kar k Barbad Kar Rahe hein Lqin Dosro ko Ni Dengy, this is very crucial thing explained by zia ur rehman danish Jahalt on top !! Connect with Zia ur rehman Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ziaurrehmanoffical/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/getthenextlevel/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/getthenextleve1 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/get-the-next-level/ Subscribe https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYrHVkJhxv7PwDYOsOL0Dww #Food #ziaurrehman #lockdown #karachi #pakistan #ZiaUrRehman'
Tags: help poor peoples , poor people , ration , ration card , rashan bags poor peoples , free ration and money for poor people , ration distribution between poor and needy peoples , help poor peoples by rashan bags , ration delivery , zia ur rehman , Food stock by people
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