'Peach Puree 6+ Month Baby Food / First food for baby / Fruit Puree for 6+ Month Baby'

02:32 Oct 4, 2021
'Baby food Recipe. For More Video\'s subscribe the channel.  Peach - Health Benefits:  - Peach is good source of vitamin A and vitamin C. It contains a great amount of fibers. - They are also a good source of vitamin E (-tocopherol), vitamin K (phylloquinone), vitamin B1 (Thiamin), vitamin B2 (riboflavin), vitamin B3 (niacin, vitamin B6 and folate.  - Peaches are rich source of minerals such as K, Ca, Mg, Fe, P, Zn and Cu. - It helps in maintaining healthy blood pressure levels, healthy skin, healthy eyesight and healthy digestive. - It contains dietary fiber which absorbs water and helps in preventing stomach disorders like constipation stomach ulcers and irregular bowel movements. - Peaches are easy to digest for babies.  - Can give to baby as first food because it is mild, sweet, juicy and delicious.' 

Tags: baby food , baby food channel , homemade baby food , first food for baby , 6+ month baby food , fruit puree for baby , peach puree , jaron's kitchen , jarons kitchen , health benefit of peach , peach for baby

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