'Monthly baby pictures - How to get the perfect shot.'

'Monthly baby pictures - How to get the perfect shot.'
10:45 Dec 8, 2020
'If you are a parent and decided to take your baby\'s picture every month, you know the struggle is real. The first few months is easy because all they do is lay there but once they become mobile it turns into quite the task. Watch me take about 6,000 pictures of her before I finally got the perfect one.  also, I believe letting your children help with every day tasks and household chores is very important and beneficial. Talon loves helping me make dinner as much as he can.' 

Tags: pictures , breast feeding , baby pictures , monthly baby pictures , 6 months old , growth chart , growing baby , kid making dinner , freezing breast milk , breast milk , breast fed babies , how to get the perfect shot , how to store breast milk , how to take pictures with a baby

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