05:42 Jun 13, 2021
'Today we\'re doing a fun little cucumber eating challenge. It\'s more of a subtle fun competition rather than a challenge, we are planning to bring more food challenges in the future. In this video we\'ll get Janak (My Brother), Sirjana (My Wife), and Aisha compete over eating the most cucumber. If you enjoyed the video please make sure to subscribe to our channel #BossVlogs. Hit that thumbs up button to show your support.  CUCUMBER EATING CHALLENGE in Dubai  

Tags: eating , Food , challenge , Food Vlog , competition , cucumber , food competition , food eating competition , man vs food , eating challenge , eating competition , funny food challenge , food vlogs , cucumber eating , who can eat most , bossvlogs , boss vlogs , the food boss , eating cucumber , eating cucumber challenge , fun food challenges , cucumber eating com , food eating competition nepal , cucumber challenge asmr , who can eat the most food , cucumber eating challenge , cucumber eating competition

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