'In this first Vlog episode, I will be discussing Grocery Cart/Shopping Cart etiquette. Now I know probably all of you have very good shopping cart etiquette and would never leave your cart in the middle of a parking space, but for those few out there in the Youtube world that need a little coaching, this video is for you. haha :). Please comment down below if you have run into similar situations during your shopping adventures. Don\'t forget to subscribe to my channel and check out my other videos! Find me on other social media platforms here: Other Youtube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/climberdude111 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/inthekitchenwithmatt/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/KitchenWithMatt Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/inthekitchenwithmatt/ Instructables: https://www.instructables.com/member/In%20The%20Kitchen%20With%20Matt/ *Instructables is one of my favorite DIY sites; I post all my recipes there, complete with the video link to this video as well as step by step written instructions, with pictures. The site is free for a basic membership. If you have any questions or comments put them down below and I will get back to you as soon as I can. Transcript: Hello and welcome back to in the kitchen with matt. I am your host Matt Taylor. Today, in this vlog episode, I am going to talk to you, about a topic that is near and dear to my heart, grocery cart etiquette, yes. So let me paint the picture for you, I am going to the grocery store, and pull into the parking lot, and I identify this spot that is really close to the store, and I am getting all excited, this is awesome, and then I pull in and low and behold, when I get into it, right in the middle of the spot, there is a grocery cart, now here is the kicker, the cart return is literally 20 feet away, empty. Come on, really, is it really that hard to put the grocery cart away? Come on, just do it. It’s really easy to do, you take your groceries out of the cart, put them in your car, then walk the cart back to the return, literally takes 20, 30 seconds, at the most. So please, please, do us all a favor, and return those carts. I will thank you, everyone else that wants to find a parking spot will thank you; the workers that work at the grocery store will thank you. It’s a win win situation, I mean and you will burn a couple calories, taking that cart back, let me tell you. Another thing about grocery carts, at my grocery store we used to have these really cool little carts, I called them mini carts, so it was like half the size of a normal grocery cart, it had a top and a bottom, they were awesome, especially if you wanted to buy more then one of the little handheld, baskets, but you didn’t want to lug around one of those huge carts, these little carts were great. And all of a sudden, few and few of them were available, at my grocery store, and um, next thing you know, there are none more available. And I asked one of the guys that worked there, where are all of these carts, I love these things, apparently they have all been stolen. Come on, really? Okay, so moral of the story, put the carts back where they belong and do not steal them, I am Matt Taylor, thank you for watching, this has been another episode of In the Kitchen with Matt, stay tuned for another episode, take care.'
Tags: Food , vlog , shopping , episode , talking , ONE , etiquette , GROCERY , cart , Vlog Talking Food Episode 1 Grocery Cart Etiquette , parkling lot , shopping cart return , return your shopping cart , Grocery Cart Return
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