'How to Stay in Business as the Popularity of Farm Fresh Food Declines'

'How to Stay in Business as the Popularity of Farm Fresh Food Declines'
13:07 Sep 1, 2024
'FREE Email Marketing Course: https://www.3cowmarketing.com/freetraining/  Farmer’s market season has ended (or nearing the end) and the panic driven emails are hitting my inbox...  “Help! My freezer is full of frozen chickens. How can I sell them now that markets are over?” Or you have a freezers full of beef. Or milk.  If this sounds like you, I\'ll give you 4 things you can do to be a better marketer over the next 12 months so next year you\'re not in the same position.  Starting right now, you can begin to build relationships that will last for years to come.  Get a pen and notebook — you\'re going to want to take notes for this one!' 

Tags: farming , Agriculture , CSA , grassfed , joel salatin , small farm , raw milk , polyface farm , flower farmer , pasture rotation , intense rotational grazing , charlotte smith , 3 cow marketing , champoeg creamery , profitable farm

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