'Learn Food Prayer Bhamarpanam'

'Learn Food Prayer Bhamarpanam'
11:53 Jan 30, 2024
'Brahmārpañam Brahma Havir BrahmāgnauBrahmañāhutaṃ, Brahmaiva Tena Gantavyam BrahmakarmāSamādhinah. The whole creation being the gross projection of Brahman, the Cosmic Consciousness itself; the food too is Brahman, the process of offering it is Brahman; it is being offered in the fire of Brahman. He who thus sees that Brahman is action reaches Brahman alone. AhamVaishvānaroBhutvā PrāñināmḌehamāshritaha, PrāñāpānaSamāyuktah PachāmyannamChaturvidham. I, the Supreme Spirit, abiding in the body of living beings as the Fire (Vaiswanara) in their stomach I am associated with their Praana and Apaana, digest the four type of foods (solids, fluids, semi-fluid and liquid) which they eat.' 

Tags: Class , sai baba , CHANTING , vedanta , veda , geeta , food prayer , Vedic mantras , Vedic Chants , Suktam , Suktas , Upnishad , Lerning , intonation , Veda Fostering , Veda poshana , Bharamrpanam

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