'How To Make Nutella At Home - POPxo Food'

01:17 Dec 2, 2023
'Are you a big fan of Nutella? What if we told you that now you can make your FAV chocolate spread... at home! :O Use this easy POPxo Yum recipe to make Nutella at home! You\'re welcome ;)   To keep watching our videos, subscribe to our channel: http://bit.ly/2hfEozo  No filters, no judgements - Talk about *anything* on the POPxo App! Your new BFF for advice. Ask questions, share polls with other girls only. (Psst...you can also share anonymously!) ;)  Play Store: https://goo.gl/05cnZ6 iOS App Store: https://goo.gl/vc8oXh  Ingredients  1 ¼ cup hazelnuts, roasted and skinned ⅓ cup cocoa powder 3 tbsp oil ¾ cup powdered sugar ½ tsp vanilla essence ¼ cup milk  Method  - Blend hazelnuts in a food processor for 10 mins or until they begin to leave oil.  - Add in cocoa powder and blend again. - Add oil, powdered sugar, and vanilla essence and blend until creamy.  - Blend in the milk. Transfer to an airtight container and store refrigerated.  Related Videos:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pkvcz62lMvE&list=PLEY_TFR6yI9E3fmhejfb1-5BxWUoa1nzQ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jqFfB0GFJfs  Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/popxodaily Follow us on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/popxodaily Tweet to us: https://twitter.com/POPxoDaily' 

Tags: nutella , yum , popxo , nutella recipe , pop xo , POPxo food , popxo yum , How To Make Nutella , popxoyum , pop xo yum , pop xo recipes , popxo yum chocolate , pop xo food videos , popxo nutella , nutella at home , pop xo yum recipes , how to make nutella at home , popxo yum nutella , how to make nutella at home popxo , how to make nutella popxo , pop xo nutella , how to make nutella popxo yum , nutella recipe popxo yum , nutella recipe popxo , nutella popxo , pop xo how to make nutella

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