'HOME TIME VLOG #1- Dancing TEENS, Broken Cupboards, Delicious Food & Presents in the Post'

'HOME TIME VLOG #1- Dancing TEENS, Broken Cupboards, Delicious Food & Presents in the Post'
30:32 Apr 15, 2021
'FIRST IN OUR HOME TIME VLOG SERIES! What happens after work - when we get home?! Tonight its falling doors, thoughts on the meaning of trees, cooking banana bread and meatballs, gifts in the post and all manner of family madness  -------------------- FOLLOW US --------------------  NADIA SAWALHA & FAMILY  https://www.instagram.com/nadiasawalhaandfamily.com http://www.twitter.com/nadiasawalha  For more movie news follow:  POPCORN JUNKIES: https://www.instagram.com/popcornjunkiesmovieclub/  ------------------------------------ BUSINESS ENQUIRIES ------------------------------------  For business enquiries contact: [email protected]' 

Tags: zoella , family vlog , eh bee family , family time , Family Vlogging , family vloggers , nadia sawalha , loose women , banana bread , home time , saccone jolys , zoe suggs , joe suggs , cooking meatballs , making banana cake

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