Sep 9, 2023
'Hey guys, Steve here from FitDadNation.com Today I\'m going to talk about why fitness is not a priority in your life, why it should be, and how you make it one. As busy dads, it\'s way too easy to push our health to the back burner behind all the other shit we have to do every day. Somehow we manage to find time to do all the things we are \"supposed\" to do, but exercise often doesn\'t qualify as a \"must do\". As a dad, I feel very strongly that fitness NEEDS to be part of your daily life and I\'m going to share 10 ways you can incorporate it and make it a lifelong habit. 1. Make a plan 2. Put money on the line 3. Block out time daily 4. Find your \"why\" 5. Stay consistent 6. Do exercise you actually enjoy 7. Start using HIIT 8. Reward yourself 9. Never quit 10. Taking care of yourself is not selfish By making fitness a priority in your life, you\'ll feel better, look better, and enjoy a better quality of life. You\'ll also be setting a great example for your children, which is sooooo important these days! Find out more about what we\'re doing over at FitDadNation.com'
Tags: dad body , fitness over 40 , dad bod
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