'Professional Bull Rider Wiley Petersen and Art of Strength founder Anthony DiLuglio have collaborated to develop a first-of-its-kind fitness program called Cowboy Fit. Designed around the unique requirements of preparing bull riders for competition, this three-part DVD program is nonetheless a perfect workout for just about anyone. Men and women alike will enjoy the premise of progressing from amateur to professional rider as exercises progress in difficulty addressing grip building, inner leg strength, keeping the body square, and for pros, finding your spurs. Whether you are a bull rider, a fan of bull riding, or a fitness enthusiast looking to change up your routine, these challenging and fun workouts will help you lose weight, tone muscle, enhance flexibility, and give you enough strength and stamina to handle any bull that comes your way. Bonus Features: Multiple work along tutorials and workouts 3 progressive skill levels Behind the scenes extras'
Tags: art of strength , Cowboy Fit , artofstrength , cowboy fit sizzle
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