'In this challenge, Kaycee and Rachel, will draw anything they like according to the time they got from the spinning wheel. The highest time will be 60 seconds. Mommy Rain will tell which store to draw the things from in every round. After the kids are done drawing for a certain time, mommy Rain, will go to the designated store to find her interpretation of the drawing and buy it. Who do you think will win in this challenge. *NEW* KAYCEE\'S Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@kayceed RACHEL\'S Tiktok https://www.tiktok.com/@racheldavid123 INSTAGRAM - kayceerachel_family https://www.instagram.com/kayceerachel_family/ FACEBOOK PAGE Page https://www.facebook.com/KAYCEERACHEL1/ VISIT OUR OTHER CHANNELS! KAYCEE & RACHEL OLD VIDEOS - all our old videos from 2016 https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLmjrj9ZvStUlauvMl5fmmw TRAVIS in WONDERLAND https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLd4gRsLBTAPXuD4yB3ceDQ Music in WONDERLAND - Kaycee\'s cover of her favorite songs https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCfaJVVAQOQ56gf7JYWVugMg KAYCEE’S OWN CHANNEL https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZjMEbdqWxPinOPmDw2_Irw - - #RachelWonderland #KayceeWonderland #TravisWonderland #KayceeAndRachelInWonderland #KayceeANdRachelInWonderlandFamily #WonderlandFamily'
Tags: Kaycee and Rachel , Kaycee , kaycee wonderland , rachel wonderland , wonderland family , Kaycee and Rachel Wonderland , Travis Wonderland , Wonderland Family Challenges , kaycee and rachel challenges , whatever you draw I'll buy it kaycee , kaycee challenge , kaycee & rachel challenges , kaycee drawing
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